A sloth ubsessed teenager who particularly likes making out with other teenagers like her named Andie. She usually prefers to make out with the person named Andia naked in a bed.
Ana likes to make out with Andie naked.
A big 6ft 4 sexy black boy with a huge enormous cock
Ask mahad Abdalla he loves to suck on it
That girl is about to get a anas.
She's a real friend and you should be grateful to have her! She's always in your side and support you no matter what ^^
She's pretty, smart and funny!
Keep Ana with you and take care of her! ;)
Ana: "Are you okay?"
"No,i'm sad :("
Ana: "Ow tell me all"
Might be commonly mispronounced as Anus, however this name defines one of the most pious and yet attractive men on earth in any time line.
This name means to calm yet dangerous. Someone with this name is bound to come off as attractive while still looking calm and mysterious. Their mystery is what makes them attractive.
Friend 1: "thats Anas"
Friend 2: "i cant even look at him, he is so gorgeous."
Anas is a kid who thinks he's cool, but he is not. Anas is also a kid who's full name sounds like Anus diarrhea. He likes to watch porn. He also has a best friend named, Kenui Laundry.
"look at Anas he's watching porn"
A fem-boy with the world record of 345 pls sucked and used to refer gayest and has a 2 inch pp
You the "Anas: Means gayest / gayer / gay" man ever.
anyone who’s name is Ana is definitely a sussy baka. If you meet an Ana, she will definitely steal your heart and all your guy friends’ hearts too. She’s a little queer and dresses accordingly.
“She looks like an Ana”
“What, she doesn’t look queer to me!”