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burning the shitters

a term used by many grunts during combat who have to burn shit out of a diesal can using gasoline. vi.

The most awful stench know to man. adv.

That marine went to sleep on guard duty, now he he's burning the shitters.

by dan September 4, 2004

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Frequency Burn

A rash, scab, cut, or pain of the penis that is NOT STD related. It is merely a rash, burn, skin tear, or scab from repeated use of the penis during a period of time without allowing the penis proper rest. Mainly from excessive masturbation, having an inexperienced girlfriend, a sex crazed girlfriend, or having sex with a dry grandma.

When you think you have something similar to an STD but you know it is impossible (you are not getting any)... Thank god... some peace of mind, it is merely Frequency Burn!

by Lingo The Pharmacist November 16, 2008

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Burning Pele

When you light a person's pubic hair on fire and have several of his friends stomp out the fire.

We totally did up Peter with a Burning Pele last night when he was drunk off his ass. He is now sterile.

by nizzle420xoxoxo_and_futtbucker May 8, 2011

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Burns Lake

A small town filled with awesome people. The landscape is beautiful but the lake is disgusting. Its small and its boring/gay.

Shelby: Do you like burns lake?
Chenoa: NOOOOO!!! Its Gayyy!!!

by NoahBearz101 June 16, 2011

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Fart burn

when you poop or fart and you butt hole burns. not like tempature, but like hot sauce on your tounge, or when you throw up and it goes up your nose. like that exept on your butthole.

guy 2: EWW that was a wet one! wasnt it?!
guy 2: what?
guy 1: it feels like i just farted out jalapinos!
guy 2: omg...

by Bubba2x4 February 15, 2009

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Burning Girrafs

an infestation of little animals contracted from a huge whore. often times have flame teeth.

"Man Caleb must have got Burning Girrafs from Carrie Caputo!"

by multi purpos solution August 4, 2008

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fuck burn

Skin contusion aquired during sex, casued by friction between the skin and any part of the environment (carpet, bedding, couch material, etc..). (Scratch marks from fingernails, toenails, or teeth don't count).

I banged her on the couch so hard, I got a fuck burn on my left knee.

by decoy67 October 10, 2006

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