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Swedish Butter

Butter used as a vaginal lubricant

She was all dried out so I got her some swedish butter and she was good to go

by Laura Huhn December 1, 2010

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Butter Nazi

Some one who works at a bread restaurant and limits the amount of butter one can use on their bagget

"Brah shove that butter down your shorts the butter nazi is watching"

by chris sterner May 10, 2008

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slut butter

1. Vaginal secretion emitted by a promiscious female

2. Butter that has been borrowed by one two many neighbors (been around the block)

3. Gooey marijuana/beer/liquor left over after a night of partying

Damn that girl got her slut butter all over me last night!

Got my dick in some nasty slut butter last night.

After Marjorie, Alice, Patricia, Gay Ted, Joanna and Mr. Winkis had borrowed the butter, I decided that it was slut butter and threw it out.

Everyone says my butter is slutbutter because I've let everyone on the block tap into it.

by Ranium February 15, 2007

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choad butter

Usually found after failing to take a shower before a vigorous workout or long day in the sun, Choad Butter is the extrememly foul-smelling combination of shit and sweat that accumulates in the Choadal area. Usually well known to persons of girth or filth.

Dude, this choad butter reeks!

by Mr Bubblesworth July 3, 2006

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butter face

A female whom has a very good body however is lacking in the facial beauty.

That chick is so hot
- Dude she is a butter face

by BA January 2, 2003

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A girl that is attractive everywhere but her face, translated as a butter-face.

Guy 1: That girl is a total butter-face.
Guy 2: Ya, she has a great body, but her face ruins it for her.

by Hooch Face August 12, 2007

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butter teeth

noun: usually used in reference to an individual with poor dental hygiene; a result of plaque accumulating on teeth both above and below the gum line that can harden into a rough yellow or brown deposit called tartar. Usually this individual will have a yellow hue to their teeth. This term also causes lifelong torment and guest appearances on Dr. Phil

Hey butter teeth, can I have some butter for my toast?

by Grandma Wrinkles July 21, 2010

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