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carl hadgraft

Carls the type of guy to smell a pie and float towards it

Person 1:Hey how’s that carl guy?
Person 2: I don’t really know he just wants his wood holding that carl Hadgraft guy

by Large hairy November 7, 2021

Cold Carl

Unlike a Hot Carl it is done while your friend/ victim is asleep. The process starts by shitting into a sheet of Saran Wrap then smearing it evenly over the plastic proceed to freeze the stool sample. After everything is frozen lay the Saran Wrap stool down on the victims face. Caution do not suffocate the person with the Saran Wrap or shit. Then wait for them to wake up or wake them up and asked what were they doing?

Chris received the cold Carl the last time he spent the night at my house. That will teach him to not fuck my mom while I’m asleep.

by Small mosquito WesBus September 16, 2019


They whitest shade of pale a human can achieve

Brah, that snow is straight Carl

by Carl from San Diego February 20, 2022


Can be annoying but is kind and funny she can be a little boi sometimes but keep her around.

Carl is my best friend

by little boiiii March 5, 2019


The guy from the walking dead

Carl pls stop hitting the griddy

by Epic.coolguy42 July 27, 2023


Another term used for slow people. Originates form New York and is very hairy. They love to play video game and eat Doritos and drink Mountain Dew.

Carl good at video games... jk lol

by Lap deeznutz August 27, 2018


A furry in denial.

Carl you have two fursonas, you're going to Midwest Furfest this year, and your saving to get a fursuit admit it already you're a furry.

by Kiri-Kuck July 23, 2019