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digital crush

An intense but usually short-lived infatuation taking place through the internet

Nick has the biggest digital crush on Keira-Anne right now!

by amadogelato October 26, 2007

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Culture Crush

An affinity for a particular country/city/society's culture. Usually expressed by learning everything possible about said culture--it's history, language, etc.

A: Man, I have the biggest Culture Crush on Scotland.

by serpentineSiren June 20, 2012

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Camel Crush

A gift from god. It's a cigarette with a menthol capsule that you crush and the cigarette magically goes from just a normal cigarette to a menthol one.

Camel Crush tastes like what sex would taste like if you could smoke it.

by fuck_like_a_beast September 27, 2008

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Clam crush

Adj: The female version of a bromance.

Sally and Jane totally have a clam crush going on right now.

by Ohyea! September 20, 2009

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v. To be obsessed with the game Candy Crush. Someone who candy-crushes is on a very difficult level and will never put their phone down because they

must defeat that one level.

Bob: Jack, put your phone down and watch the football game with me!
Jack: Sorry, Bob. I gotta finish level 346 on Candy Crush. It's addicting!

Bob: You've been Candy-Crushing lately. I think it's time to put the phone down.

by The Magic Taco December 17, 2013

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Primary Crush

The person who you like more than other people... If you have more than one crushes, this is the one who you think about the most.

"Okay, you like Josh, Andrew and Nick???"
"Yup, but Josh is my primary crush."

by missscarr May 19, 2009

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freshman crush

that cute guy whose age is between 18 and 20, but girl you just can't resist him despite being aged 23 to 30

if you have a freshman crush during your mid-to-late twenties, chances are you will be a cougar when you get older

by Jerz201 April 11, 2013

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