Source Code

Friendship Destroyer’s Deck

When you play UNO and everything you have is an UNO reverse

I won last night with the Friendship Destroyer’s Deck.

by Puffsie<3 November 10, 2022

Parking Deck Pounder

When you engage in consensual sex underneath the stairs of a parking deck for a pounder (16oz beer) to keep the buzz going, knowing full well you will claim you were raped after that sweet buzz wears off.

Dude, did you see that hobo giving Mary the Parking Deck Pounder?! It’s a shame she’s just going to try to get him arrested when the shakes set in.

by Tolonoman February 25, 2023

Big Deck Energy

Having the skills to make big, bold, and compelling Power Point presentations.

Kevin's got that 'BDE'... Big Deck Energy, so the execs love him...

by -=v00d00=- March 20, 2024

Upper deck baseball

The baseball team that will destroy anybody

Damn upper deck baseball just kicked our ass

by Udcbaseball April 22, 2021

on deck now

Means, in charge, took control, the boss, giving out orders

Bills no longer in charge, I'm on deck now

by Lc122 October 18, 2020


stoned county boy excellent DJ brilliant in bed


by Tiesto May 23, 2003


Slang for a fingerboard e.g. Tech Deck

The man did a awesome trick on his T-Deck

by BlueDice November 9, 2021