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loser dorkasaur Dewza Dylan Mcdonalds

Dylan is suchhh a dork

by weeniehutjuniors July 23, 2018


dorkasaur dewza loser Dylan Mcdonalds

Dylan is such a dork

by weeniehutjuniors July 23, 2018


Dork is an acronym which stands for Dominant, Oral, Rough, and Kinky

Her: You are such a DORK
Him: I know

by Swaney83 July 14, 2020


a whale penis

girl: your a dork
boy: rude

by peqchyluhv November 23, 2019


Nick Soderberg of ASU

Nick Soderberg likes getting pegged by femboys, what a dork

by BBKHater December 29, 2022


What you call the people you care for or that you feel comfortable with. But, whom ever you call the most “ dork” you care way more then friends. Usually dorks are too dorky to tell others how they feel but it’s okay cause if that persons a dork they’ll understand. So love your dork, be nice to your dorks, feed your dork, pet your dork, take your dork to the park, read them a book, then them a story. Hug your dork and kiss them as much as possible cause they are too dorky to take a hint. Dorks need to be told they are dorks. From one dork to another I love you dork! But don’t get your dorks wet or feed them past midnight cause you don’t wanna see what happens.

Dork1:” hey dork
Dork2: “ sup dork”
Dork1: “you are such a dork.”
Dork2 : “ hahahah dork!”
Dork1: “ I love you dork”
Dork 2: “ oh mah gad, nuh uh dork?!”

by Julessavoryketchuppackets February 18, 2021


A boyfriend that is funny and cute.

Joseph you’re such a dork!

by livelaughloveyou30 November 13, 2023