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Angry Dragon

When you blow ya load and smack a girls head and it comes out her nose making her look like a angry drangon.

I had a angry dragon with your mom.

by DanTheMan0001 December 9, 2022

Facing the dragon

The process of rehabilitation from opioid or heroin addiction. To over come the addiction of " chasing the Dragon." Facing the problem head on and conquering it. Slay it if you will.

I once ruined my life by chasing the Dragon. Now I know that rehabilition is a must . I must "face the dragon" and conquer it to regain my life of normalcy again. If I am facing the dragon I am rehabilitating myself from the addiction of heroin.

by Redsonja101 October 23, 2019

Shimmy The Dragon

The act of masturbation while high on drugs

Dude I was so high last night that I had to shimmy the dragon

by ATNO April 29, 2015

Screaming Dragons

Sex act: The Act of putting any hot sauce in your dick hole, and your partner’s vagina. Then when you both Cum, it is as though your penis and their vagina are breathing fire.

My girlfriend and I did the screaming dragons last night... I haven’t stopped bleeding from my Urethra yet...

by The Sauce Bo$$ August 9, 2018

Gaping Dragon

A particularly large fanny that has been stretched out due to decades of shagging

"Apparently Alex was gonna shag Molly but the sluts gaping dragon was so large that he couldn't feel the walls, poor fucker was thrusting the air."

by lanky twat the 2nd December 22, 2019

Dragon booty

When you take a fat hit and blow the smoke into your partners booty hole. The resulting fart is an expulsion of smoke, similar to a dragon.

Guy 1: I was smoking with her last night and gave her a dragon booty

Guy 2: dank bro *high fives*

by Discobooty5000 February 18, 2018

Lip Dragon

A "Lip Dragon" is a human female's vagina dragging on the ground, as she walks...

Look at that!!! Wait, is that what i think it is, her pussy lips are hitting the ground..

Hey check her out, it's a Lip Dragon!!

by ElBud August 5, 2014