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Dry pooing

similar to the act of dry heaving except the inability to poo

Man I had to poo so bad today but I sat there dry pooing all day!

by Schweatyballs4all January 21, 2006

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dry rape

The act of raping someone while they still have their clothes on. Such as humping, but more aggressively so that it qualifies as raping.

Kelly: DUDE, Maggie totally just raped me while I was still dressed!!

Elise: Dude, you totally just got dry raped.

by LisieD September 16, 2011

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Dry Docking

When you have anal sex without lubrication.

"Hey Steve, I think I'm gonna try dry docking Sarah tonight!!!"
"You dirty bastard."

by Titus Felix Pullo April 24, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

dry nozzle

wherein, a man rams his penis into the back of a woman's throat as he ejaculates causing cum to come out the woman's nose.

sorry about that dry nozzle, dear.


here comes the dry nozzle!

by aj phelps March 29, 2004

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Dry biscuit

An unfortunate situation involving a woman's private area that renders it unappealing to her mate or potential mates.

Man 1: "Hey, you goin' out with Jenny again?"
Man 2: "Hell no. I found out she has a dry biscuit."
Man 1: "Yikes. Good call on that."

by Jbabyj December 15, 2012

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Dry Writing

It means that the facts are enumerated but the writing/expression was not creative or engaging or lively

"The facts were in the article, but it suffered from dry writing"

by Dreadteir February 6, 2013

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Used to indicate that someone is intentionally performing an action , typically an action that isnt favorable, or one that goes against the normal or expected behavior . Also used to indicate that the person is doing an action in this manner , despite social or ethical guidelines

" That guy just DRY-ASS jumped in line . I know he sees us all here" .

" That guy just DRY-ASS snitched us out because we wouldn't let him come to the party ".

by Eedwards7891 October 19, 2018

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