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Yellowstone Effect

The effect if yellow stone volcano was to erupt, causing the world to end being covered in clouds of ashes

Did you see that discovery documentary! Cause if you did im damn well afraid of the Yellowstone Effect!

by Chris-bearer July 9, 2009

5👍 1👎

The Gunio Effect

The Gunio Effect occurs when an annoying event starts to make you more and more miserable over time.

1: "My math teacher assigned extra homework because a few kids were talking. I've lost all happiness because of The Gunio Effect."

2: "God damnit! Every damn time! The fucking Gunio Effect man!"

Similar words: depression anxiety pain mental instability

by Paradai February 19, 2017

ebay effect

When you get caught up in the moment of an auction or online purchase and buy something you don't really need.

Person 1: Uh why do you have 14 wine bottle stoppers?

Person 2: Ugh, i was shopping online and just had to have them, it's like my brain was taken over by the computer, stupid stupid ebay effect.

by Stoolie May 23, 2014

Urinal Effect

The Urinal Effect is based upon an individual's inability to properly maintain control of their stream at a urinal. The Effect compounds upon itself as proceeding individuals are forced further away from the urinal as the lake of urine continues to grow beneath their feet. The theoretical size of the resulting lake is infinite, until properly sanitized by a janitor.

"Dude, there was a horrible Urinal Effect in the Cici's bathroom. I had to stand 5 feet back."

by Casper's Nut April 23, 2018

Kevin Effect

The act of staying in your house and doing nothing but playing Destiny for hours.

He's suffering from the Kevin Effect. He's been inside his room for hours.

by Kevin's Sweaty September 28, 2017

The Tickel Effect

A naturally occurring phenomenon, whereby gentlemen with distinguished facial-hair become synced in their micturition cadence (commonly referred to as 'pee-time') The Tickel Effect is hypothesized to be an evolutionary means of driving awkward social interaction in confined spaces, thereby solidifying tribal bonds.

I've spotted Neal in the restroom nearly every time I've gone, must be the Tickel Effect in action!

by MaximusRidiculous December 12, 2018

The duck effect

A psychological phenomenon where a chick is rejected by the mother duck due to an unwanted human interaction. Can be displayed in humans.

I touched her bag and now she wants me to buy a new one, it must be the duck effect.

by Bananasmoothieandpeas November 9, 2016