When someone in a relationship, continually talks to, or hangs out with someone to get all of the things they are missing in their unfullfilling relationship. This may sometimes lead to sex but instead of adultery, should be considered bestiality.
After a weekend with her bf, she spends the next 5 days with her emotional support animal, to get her self-esteem built back up.
1. A person that is having an emotional affair with someone, who is in a relationship with someone else.
That guy is her Emotional Support Animal. He listens to her, takes her out, is romantic, all of the things she doesn't get in her own relationship.
EMOTION-XXXXXXX is a hypothetical emotional state where if a human were to feel every single possible emotion all at once some how, not one after another, all of the emotions exactly being felt at once. if their brain could process it smoothly without being overwhelmed, and WITHOUT sensory overload, and without ANY difficulties of the humans brain proccessing it, and proccessing them all and smoothing them all out into one single emotion composed of every single possible emotion? remember this is all hypothetical. he mixture of emotions could cause a variety of effects, ranging from euphoria to extreme anxiety. The strong intensity of the emotions could also cause physical effects, such as dizziness, heart palpitations, and increased respiratory rate. It is possible that the human would reach a state of transcendent peace, where they are able to truly understand and experience all the emotions at once and achieve a state of ultimate enlightenment.
Have you ever wondered what its like to feel emotion-x7?
A person getting affected emotionally through emoticons posted through a chat or social post
I was emotically affected by to post on my social page
When you move too quickly in a relationship and develop emotions towards the other person too quickly
"Wow, Jessie's already calling them her girlfriend, thats pretty intense"
"Yeah, they definitely hitched an emotional UHaul, its only been two weeks since they met"
Mankywave loves this song, HE CANT STOP PLAYING IT he is a silly goose
Mankywavw:oh Hengi please play da Fortntie flapper emote i beg you
Hengi:i mean... if you like it that much i guess ill play it. ( Fortnite flapper emote )
It actually means people in great depression becomes happy.
Jade, " Hey dude!"
Tori, "wassup?"
Jade, "I got dumped by beck, and I need a non-concentrated emotional rebuildation now."
Tori, "Fuck my life, ofc he dumped you, I'm his gf now, fuck off loser."
Jade killed Tori and commit suicide, the non-concentrated emotional rebuildation isn't completed.