When pouring a drink (generally shots), and the consumer of the said drink doesn't want a full shot, but a little more than half, he or she would ask for generous halvises.
"Don't give me a full shot, just give me half!"
"Bitch, you're taking a generous halvsies shot!"
someone who is born in a different country as there parents but knows way too much about cultural cliches, details about the old country!
"You were born here but you know way too much about fobland, you are such a generic fob, may-p"
Alternative nickname for Generation Z (abbreviated as "Gen Z"), a generation of persons born between 1995-2010 (typically 2009 as a ending birth year).
King Liang, the creator of the Plainrock124 YT channel, is a member of the iPod generation
A male that puts his dick in anyone and anything. Generally, this male is only good for sex. Sometimes not even that.
That guy was a General Fuckstick.
When you have sex with a lot of people without payment however you still have standards.
I’m not a whore, I’m just sexually generous.
Team Generation: Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks. Here at Team Generation, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high quality data evaluation. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. We emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community, and a desire for actions to speak louder than words. Established in 2014, we’re an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, people and a strong foundation of support. Contact us to learn more and get involved.
"Hey Siana Check Out The New Team Generation Website!"
A fear or mistrust of anyone who comes into one's space that is of another generation.
"I can't talk to her. She's so not Gen Y. She doesn't get it. She's totes got Gener-phobia."