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hickey hug

1. Huging a super hot person and always aiming for there neck when hugging. Its the best kind of hug, and can be done in public in some certain places.
2. A very secretive and unobvious way of giving a hickey

*Men with larger penises tend to like hickey hugs more then other boys



by Martin234 October 30, 2010

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tuggy hug

It is when a girl is tuggin' on your dick, and then right before you're about to cum you hug her.

Hey, Darren the other day Jake Tuck got a tuggy hug from Susan.

The other day I got a tuggy hug from a girl, and I got cum all over her.

by Horse cock Trevor July 24, 2010

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Hugging Grandma

Sexual slang referring to young men who seek and sleep with women over the age of 100. a 'hugger' can often be seen lurking near mobility scooters and in post office queues on pension day.

"did you watch Eastenders last night?"
"no, I was out hugging grandma"

by Keithy Rider October 5, 2011

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An awesome game based on the skills of wrestling, detaining, and getting away from someone.

How to play:
1.) there is a circle of people in pairs (one sitting in front, one sitting behind) and one person in the circle has no partner.

2.)the person with no partner points to a pair.

3.) Of that pair, The person in the front to get to the pointer in 20 seconds.

4.) Of that pair, the person behind does everything they can to detain the person.

5.) if the person in front gets to the pointer, then the person behind is the new pointer. If the person in front doesn't get to the pointer, the pointer picks a new pair.

Person A: Remember that awesome game of Hug-A-Bear we played?

Person B: Hell yea, I still have mega bruises and grass burn.

by theplauge April 30, 2009

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Gateway hug

Synonym: Spooning

Dude: I'll tell you, spooning is a real gateway hug. As soon as we started, I wanted to rip my pants off.

by SSabatino97391 May 23, 2010

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Leg hug

A festival survival mechanism that originated at Electric Picnic, Co Laois, 2011. Based on the mantra of YOLO, a leg hug promotes the transference of heat from one FOMO to another to maximise drinking time & ensure no one misses out. Plans to extend leg hug training to Arctic explorers are under-way for 2012.

Jomo I need a leg hug stat!!!! .......Ooooh thats better - lets party!!!

by The original JOMO October 17, 2011

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Just a really HUGE hug.

Me and a friend made this up for MSN Messenger, and thought it was really cute & affectionate. It's one of the best hugs you can give. All the other hugs blow in comparison.

"Aa-a-a-w thank you!*smother-hugs you*"

by HLou March 6, 2005

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