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Silky Johnson

Alcoholic beverage, named for Dave Chappelle's character on his eponymous television show. Contains apple juice and schnapps (preferably cinnamon to ensure a silky aftertaste) mixed with liberal amounts of vodka (to make the drink live up to its player-hater namesake).

Once I drink this Silky Johnson, I'll be a shoo-in for hater of the year!

by kellzodiac February 25, 2010

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Axel Johnson

A guy who is beyond the definition of creeper. A person who likes to drink his brother's nosebleed blood and craves women's blood because it arouses his sexual emotions. Certain girls make him salivate and he wants to have sex with them while drinking their blood.

He friend requests you on facebook and starts stalking you. He claims he loves you and he out of nowhere shows up at your house saying that he just knew that it was your house by its "essence" and stands outside your window throwing things at it.

He is overly dramatic and talks like he's in the 16th century.

He is color-blind and in love with Twilight and claims to be Edward Cullen and his victims to be Bella Swan.

He has a theory of "perfect Christianity" that involves everyone loving everyone and he thinks that a blue/purple dress is red.

OMG this creeper stood outside my window for TWO HOURS just staring into my room and asking to talk to me last night!!!!!!


by Victim's friend February 27, 2009

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sophia johnson

first things first, Sophia Johnson WONT PUT HER PAJAMAS ON WHEN ASKED. SECOND OF ALL her four head is the size of my garage lol SKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKKSKSKSKSKSKSKKS third of all she thinks that her parents will buy her Dolan twins stuff when we all know that she’s never gonna get it yeetawgramongus THANOS IS ALWAYS A QUAKING SISTER WHEN HE SEES HER JAMES CHARLES MAKEUP LOOKS AND HE ALWAYS COMMENTS ON HER INSTA RECENTS! one time his comment was below indyannas comment in which said cute!

Girl 1: this girl is such a sophia Johnson look how stupid she is!
Girl 2: indeed sis tea

by Zoom sis March 19, 2019

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Mark Johnson

A slang term for weed invented by Griffin and Brad.

Dude, don't hog the Mark Johnson.

You: Hey dude, did you bring the weed?
Friend: Dude be quite. My mom's over there.
You: Oh sorry. Did you bring the "Mark Johnson"?

by Bradass July 14, 2015

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someone who scopes out other guy's johnsons.

dammit cleatus...dont be scoping other guy's johnsons

by KENNY THE SHARK November 19, 2004

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erica johnson

A girl that is the cutest and sweetest ever! She truly lights up any room that she enters. Has an extremely cute laugh and wonderful personality! She always has a great relationship and or works with her mother. Great smile usually accompanied by a dimple or two. She is compassionate towards others and has a beautiful soul!

That girl is gorgeous and loves her life, she most definitely is an Erica Johnson

by Viperisurenemy June 27, 2017

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jim johnson

A sandwich loaded up with both PCP and cocaine. See also elephant flipping. Not to be confused with a john jimson.

"Hey Mark, what happened to that Jim Johnson you had in your hand just a second ago?"



by PCP ADDICT May 14, 2007

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