Source Code


Most likely a water or fire sign
Probably likes another girl

Smooth player(acts like he isn’t but he is)
Connections through his family

Yk Jose right?”
“The one who’s always talking to someone new?”
“Yeah, how do you know him?”
“I’m friends with his cousin. I knew him since he was young”

by Moist door handle November 22, 2021


Jose is a guy who loves to get around. His favorite hobby is messing with every girl's feelings and saying the most foul shit. He has a huge ego and never admits he is wrong. He also has a very large hatred for over-sized women. If you ever come across a Jose, steer clear and mind your business. His ego is the size of the universe but gets very butthurt when the girls he played talks to another boy. Jose is also very athletic, he loves to lift weights and think he is the strongest man in the world. He also does cheer and likes to criticize other athletes that are better than him. But in the end Jose is a very hard worker and will push you harder than anyone. Also never joke around with him because he will say the most hurtful shit even though you were joking.

"Im the most humble person in this room"-Jose
*5 seconds later*
"I am literally so much better than him at stunting"-Also Jose

by kittenmilk25 June 13, 2023


Jose is that lonely nigga with his finger on tha trigger who smokes a bunch of dope and has a cat named glacier.

Jose is very smelly man

by Dumbgaynigga November 2, 2019


Jose is a depressing person who can't keep his girl from running away with another man.

"Look at that Jose, his girl is being stolen by m_val555 and he can't do anything about it."

by Yourmansfave700 January 14, 2020


The worst F boy of all time and the biggest fag ever.

Jose is a fucking dirtbag

by Elannnnn October 28, 2019


Jose is my daddy, my superhero.

Yes Jose!

by sdmg.zenith-terraria69 May 22, 2022


Jose is ugly

Hey there ugly, Jose.

by BbyAsh November 8, 2019