Source Code

R. Kelly

innocent Not guilty

Kells does his thang... I say fuk them bitches Kelly do your thang. I seen all the types and I say those bitches knew what the hell they were doing and they knew how old you were rather you knew they age or not. They didn't look like they were younger then 18 and if they were where the hell were they parnets...Not giving a fuk about their kids. PS by the looks of things it wasn't their first time around the block....

by passion December 7, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

brian kelly

An unhealthy act of eating stodge on a regular basis to try and encourage ones body to become lean and muscular, but ends up flabby and podgy instead!

He's done a right brian kelly with his tray of iced buns and Greggs steak bake slices.

That brian kelly with chubby calfs and lardy shoulders has had an overdose on pies again lad.

by Mr S. T. Eakslice October 7, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

kelly cow

A female who does one or more of the following:
1) A person who will wake you up at 2 am to the sound of them breathing heavy and smacking their lips while eating oatmeal.
2) A racist girls who thinks its ok to joke '..my dad said if I want to visit Korea, I should just lock some trash in a bathroom and open it up in a few days'.
3) Sings Mariah Carey's touch my body in her bra while rubbing lotion on herself and eating peanut butter in the mirror. In all her fat roll glory.
4) Is fat and not cute.

When he called me a kelly cow, I just knew I had to hit the gym and stop eating them donuts.

by melubulongtime March 2, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kelly Clarkson

A euphemistic phrase uttered by single, middle-aged men who have little to no sexual experience beyond collecting action figures or listening to over-the-top '80s prog-rock supergroups.

In order to further crack down on indecency (as determined by ultra-rightwing geriatric conservative moralistic citizens feeling superior to every other human being on Earth) the FCC will not "bleep" out bad words like "fuck", "shit", "asshole", "cocksucker", "Kelly Clarkson" or other vile derivatives. Instead the high-pitched monotone chime will be replaced with a hyper-excited 5 year-old exclaiming such profound remarks as, "BUSH IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER!!!", "DUBYA IS A GENIUS!!!", "EVERYONE MUST LOVE THE PRESIDENT" or "WAL MART IS THE FIRST, LAST AND ONLY PLACE TO BUY GREAT MUSIC AND MOVIES - IT'S ALL GOOD!".

by Boodmanarisin August 18, 2005

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Patrick kelly

best rapper ever also known as atlas!

yo patrick kelly is a great rapper

by UserNotFound596 March 24, 2021

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Kelly Schaffer

a very beautiful girl that has one specific person named trevor roach that cares about her alot and would do anything for her

Kelly Schaffer you should be trevor roach's boyfriend

by penn hills army man November 30, 2010

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Captain Kelly

A girl with Blonde hair, who laughs weird, and loves pregnant girls named Briannas hair cuts. She also loves both Beccas, and thinks Becca C. is very pretty.

CAPTAIN KELLY (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)

by Becca A November 23, 2010

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