Source Code

Mexican Shitoff

When you're trying to take a dump at work, and someone is in the stall next to you trying to shit too. Neither of you wants to be the one to stank up the bathroom so you sit there squeezing your buttcheeks together.

Mary Sue and I were in a Mexican Shitoff in the bathroom.

by OhForF*cksSake March 27, 2015

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Mexican Bullseye

The sexual act of dousing the anus of a person with tabasco sauce and proceeding to toss that person's salad.

Yo man, last night my girlfriend gave me the best mexican bullseye ever.

by poopchute11 January 17, 2011

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mexican guacamole

The mess you find in your bed the morning after a night featuring mexican food and too much alcohol.

"Can someone please bring me up an extra set of sheets? I don't want to say too much, but it got a little "mexican guacamole" up in here if you know what I mean."

by therealkevintitterton September 3, 2009

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Mexican Rake

A leaf blower

I can't get any work done with all those Mexican Rakes going outside!

by AZWildcats10 October 22, 2009

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Mexican Election

An election where there is only one candidate, or one candidate that is a reasonable choice.

This dates back to the ultra corrupt Mexican government.

Bush Vs Kerry is a mexican election

by Dave November 2, 2004

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mexican white

mexican white, those that still look spanish decent, non oriental eyes. Must have head height twice as long as head width, round eyes, thin lips with a caucasian body structure, typically.If any light complexion mexican has a sibling that is Indian or heavy brown pigmentation, chances are that you are not considered white and may even consider mexican white to have a different view and ethnicity than a light skin mexican.

Mexican whites are in the same race as those of the southern europeans and in the same race name, "caucasian" as those of the rest of the european region, from scandanavia to Armenia and to North Africa.

by willi3 September 27, 2006

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Mexican Rodeo

When you fuck a girl in the ass and after a goood, lets say, one hour, you tell her you have AIDS, and then you hold on as long as you can like a rodeo!

Girl: Omg, fuck me harder!
Boy: Ohh yeah baby, guess what?
Girl: Mmm, tell me baby!
Boy: I have AIDS....
Girl: You WHAAAT?!!?
Runs hysterically around the room screaming

Dude, i was butt fucking my girlfriend, and then i told her i had AIDS, and then i held on like a mexican rodeo!

by kriis witha k May 9, 2007

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