Netflix and chill with anal
Oh I can't wait until jem comes so we can netflix and amazon
Netflix hangover. I feeling after bingeing season after season, movie after movie on Netflix. Generally left feeling sad, helpless, lost and tired.
Cure: Look out the window, take in surroundings, turn Netflix back on.
I think I have Netflix hangover
Watching unknown, hidden gems on Netflix. The type that wasn't in theaters but is highly relatable, fucked up, and funny.
"What's your Sunday looking like right now?"
"Just laying on the couch hungover. Probably watching some Netflix underground involving sex, drugs, and regret. Basically my night last night,"
"OMG I'm coming over. I found Strictly Sexual. Total Netflix underground gem."
When two people come together to watch Netflix, but then take their pants off.
Guy: You wanna come over and watch Netflix?
Girl: Sure, but only if we can Netflix and Pants Off
Guy: Okay
A substitute of Netflix and chill. Instead of watching a movie in the background and fucking the brains out of the other participant, netflix and love ambiently plays a pop culture film to distract the two viewers from their inescapable loneliness. It adds normalcy to their weighted plight to reach another soul as they gaze into another’s eyes. Assigning every aspect of people they love to the otherwise stranger in front of them, a true intimate moment is reached by both parties.
A result of loneliness and the willingness to love without reason
Mentally ill lover mindset: I’m destined to be alone. I want to feel held tonight. I’m going on tinder to find some Netflix and love
Similar to netflix and chill, only that it is defined as a shared expierience between a rahel and a till. <3
"what are you doing?", "oh just netflix and till"
Experiencing the sweet sensation of a sensors lesson.
Person 1: Hey do you wanna do a sensors lesson?
Person 2: Yeah let's netflix and till.