Source Code

Name Maim

An unintentional misspelling of an online username when first creating it.

A name is what you are referred to as, and maim means to permanently injure or damage. Put them together and you have name maim.

Me: "My UD username was supposed to be Anarch Furry, which is original, but I wasn't careful and ended up with "Amarch Furry", which doesn't really make sense".

Friend: "Ouch. That's a bad case of name maim."

by Anarch Furry April 17, 2010

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latavia name

Great out going person who mean and nice , loving, kind and a very helpful friend

Have you heard the latavia name ? YEP I LIKE IT

by gyttgyh February 24, 2022

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w'sho name

definition #1. whats your name?
#2. You are so hot.

w'sho name girl?
w'sho name boy?

by ne ne November 15, 2006

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no name basis

Sharing time and/or space with someone whom you moderately appreciate or have absolutely no respect for to the point of not remembering or deliberately forgetting their name.

Pouet: So, who you out with last night?
Tuatil: Arh! A bunch of jerk-offs. I wasted a whole evening with a load of idiots.
Pouet: Really? Who?
Tuatil: Can't remember. I'm on a no name basis with'em.


Rebacci: How's your new roommate Jelad?
Jelad: Alright I guess. We're on a no name basis which shows how much time I spend at home with her!

by Berg Sloe September 10, 2007

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Reign (name)

Reign is a stubborn and beautiful bitch. She can be the sweetest person in the world but get on her bad side and youll never stop getting tormented. Reign is powerful as the name means rise above and royalty, she never stops until she gets what she wants and rises above all, always. Reign can be slightly dumbfounded but always thinks positively, and has a nice body figure.

Reign (name) was acting so dumb in class today but shes beautiful.

by namedefintionsdaily November 6, 2019

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name taken

The best band ever. For another great band try taking back sunday.

Name Taken is the best.

by a decade under the influence May 28, 2004

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name!at the disco

people who think that they're cool enough to say that their like the band panic!at the disco. usually these kids are scene or emo or hell, even scenemo. they annoy me. dont say your!at the disco. also don't say your panic!at the name. because its as equally stupid. kaythanks

"d00d. my new sn is goin to be
panic!at the idiot!!11!"


"lyke omgg im so scene my new
myspace name is going to be
name!at the disco"

by rollin_like_gwen June 8, 2006

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