To remove the guts of a pumpkin, carve out your favorite Halloween character and then replace the guts with shit. Finally, place a candle inside the shit filled pumpkin. Serve warm.
Ralph gave me a blumpkin, I gave Ralph a muddy pumpkin.
Describes a grimy girl. Usually hooked on drugs with multiple baby daddies
She’s a gutter pumpkin for sure!
When you are fisting someone and you pull out chunks of something like when you are scooping out a pumpkin
Last night with Eric, I got sticky pumpkin hands
Fucking someone’s girl so much that their vagina literally looks like it’s been carved.
man would I carve your pumpkin
The traditional blumpkin with a soulless, day-walking twist: he or she is a ginger!
Big red have me a pumpkin blumpkin last night and it wasn’t even Halloween.
When that booty look like a pumpkin, dudes wanna carve it..
Damn girl! You got a pumkin tail!! And i think imma carve that pumpkin!!
A round, orange girl, usually a pitcher, that plays softball. Hates people that make fun of her name, and gives the 'evil eye,' to anyone who 'disses,' her team. This name was given by the girl's softball team, and is highly humorous to anyone who doesn't know her.
"Go Pumpkin (name)!" Gina shouted, mocking the round, orange girl's nickname.
"Ya'll is rawnchy," Pumpkin replied, throwing an evil glare at Gina.