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queer platonic partner

it's like being really close friends with someone and also have romantic aspects

"bro was that your gf back there"
"nah bro it was my queer platonic partner (qpp)"

by meme cubed April 25, 2016

18👍 23👎

the all queer alarm

Slang. Noun. It’s how gays know that it’s safe to come out after a natural disaster. Instead of the all clear alarm.

Hayyy! Is the coast clear? No tornado? Idk I haven’t heard the all queer alarm. The what?! Wym? It’s how gays know that it’s safe to come out after a natural disaster. Instead of the all clear alarm.

by B-rizzle June 25, 2019

pick me queer

A gay, lesbian or other person who is perfectly willing to throw another section of the LGBTQ community, such as trans people, under the bus in the hopes of ensuring their own survival.

Pick me queer: "Maybe if we all rally against trans people, the government will let the rest of us gays exist!"
Guy 2: "Shut up."

by starrlotte March 5, 2023

queer as pink ink

Very very ultra fucking homosexual flamboyant faggot that acts like your aunt Mary.

Hey Mike”, “that fucking faggot is queer as pink ink”.

by The Feuer March 4, 2022

ice cold queer

Noun. Slang. Gay alcoholic’s favorite drink. Instead of an ice cold beer.

Gay guy: bartender! Hand me that ice cold queer! The what?! The ice cold queer! It’s a gays favorite drink instead of ice cold beer!

by B-rizzle June 22, 2019

Selling Queer Giraffes

When someone tells you a lie and you refuse to believe what is being said or want to call them out in an awesome way.

Guy 1 : yeah we are leaving right now!
Guy 2 : I think your selling Queer Giraffes man.

by Gorilla123 September 27, 2009

8👍 7👎

2-Beer Queer

Extreme Lightweight, Low Tolerance of Alcohol

Joe passed out in the shower after 2 beers, what a 2-Beer Queer! lightweight, rookie, funny, beer, alcohol

by Jpizzy October 3, 2011

4👍 3👎