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salty springs

Little brothers or sisters

I didnโ€™t let my brother play Fortnite, so he became a salty springs

by THE Inknown March 16, 2018

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Salty Burger

To pass gas in a short woman's mouth while waiting in line at a merchandise gift shop. The key is to fart in the woman's mouth while stepping on her toe, causing her to open her mouth and accepting the fart spray directly into her mouth. Apologize for stepping on her toe, and simply walk away.

"I was standing in line at the gift shop, and totally gave the short Spanish woman behind me a salty burger" burgerfartmouthchokegagchewygas

by NaughtyBits April 21, 2015

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Salty Mooncake

A sexual act where a salty solution is inserted into a moon cake like part of the body

"yo dude took this girl home last night. gave her one salty mooncake alright. . .."

high five

by Chinkalinka September 25, 2010

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salty dog

A person who has been in the NAVY for longer then three years and has been on at least two deployments.

"Barber has been in the NAVY too long"

"Yeah I know hes one hell of a salty dog"

by The people must KNOW!!! February 13, 2010

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salty dog

The act of having sex with 1 girl and then meeting up with another shortly after (3-5 hours) and having her perform oral on you.

Yeah, suck that SaLtY DoG!!

by Al April 4, 2003

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Uncle Salty

A Polish sausage on a hot dog bun smothered in Franks Redhot sauce, jalepenos, refried beans and boiled broccoli. After about one hour of eating it you will cut a loud stinky fart that smells like horse dung.

Last night Fred ate an Uncle Salty and got us kicked out a movie theatre when he farted a few times because we were laughing so hard and the movie wasn't a comedy.

by Hambone the Rhino May 20, 2010

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Salty Snail

When an alpha male is pile driving his lady in the wilderness he releases his baby gravy all over her sweet vaginal lips while she lays on her back. He then crab walks to the top of her head forcing his member to her bare skin creating a trail of man juice all along the center of her body like a snail trail

I now feel more of man, you should have seen that salty snail trail

by Midgetsbowlcuts May 3, 2014

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