a loser; someone who really sucks at video games.
joshua is a total scrub, he cant even quickscope.
Basketball slang for someone who is wack but pretends they are not.
He is a scrub. He's not on my level.
Man who thinks he’s fine but fucks with strippers cos he’s got no class
Alfredo such a scrub he’s got no soul
A guy that can't get no love from me
Hangin' out the passenger side
Of his best friend's ride
Trying to holla at me
Drippslounge also known as a scrub is a twitch streamer who claims he majored in winning but takes major losses
Someone who generally sucks at everything, a benchwarmers noob
Usually a handsome man with some redeeming features, qualities, or aspects. Known to be rather popular, or very well liked. A “scrub” will most likely be very successful in life.
Woman 1: Hey whose that guy over there?
Woman 2: oh that’s Simon he’s a total scrub.
Woman 1: 😍😍