A god forsaken tv show with zero continuity that’s been airing for 3 fucking decades. My dad watched this as a teenager and he is in his 50s now. I mean seriously, is Homer that interesting of a character? Who actually watches this shit??
Ricky- Did you catch the Simpsons last night?
Chase- No.
Bartholomew Simpson also know as Bart Simpson should be part of the Dingleverse for his Goofy ahh first name.
Fox: Season 33 of the Simpsons premiered the 26th of September 2021
Bartholomew Simpsons: Eat My Shorts!
Kaidence Simpson is a very kind hearted person. Do not underestimate her though, if she feels you have done herself or someone she loves wrong she will kick someone’s ass. She is loyal and has a big heart that is often taken advantage of and is small but strong. Kaidence Simpson is athletic and prys at being the smartest, strongest, and most successful person in her environment. Kaidence Simpson is a lucky one to meet if you get one don’t ever let her go.
Person 1: Wow I wish I had someone loyal
Person 2: I already do I have a Kaidence Simpson!