When someone has to repeat something to you repeatedly. Most likely being used by your black grandma.
"Boy now I don told you to clean your room 8 times, you makin' me sound like a broken record."
When a person sounds cool or "gangster" while speaking.
S: Yeah, I get it.
A: Chill shit, yk?
A: I sounded hamster
When, in a relationship, farting in front of each other is not acceptable. Breaking the sound barrier is the point at which the first fart takes place in front of the significant other.
I always have a tummy ache when I leave my boyfriends place.
Because we haven’t broken the sound barrier yet and I have wicked gas.
The Roblox “Oof Sound Effect”originally comes from a old game named “Messiah” being the death sound of when you die in Roblox and recently in July of 2022 it has been removed and with replaced with a “Duh” sound effect and in news which may or may not be fake Roblox (a multi millionaire or billionaire company) has decided to pay 10k to get back the oof sound and we may or may not know if it’s fake or not
Roblox: We are getting rid of the oof sound effect
Little Timothy: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
The Twins didn’t need a microphone because they were the definition of sound and loudness.
When you spam Nuclear and Orgasming Women down the mic nearly all hours of gaming, usally accompained by many hours spent Playing COD MW's 'Shipment' on Hardcore.
That Logan kid is such a SOUND.......STARRR.
You hear more then you were sapost to and more than other thought you would, but regardless makes you want to crawl out of your skin but your good. Not in sence of whole or human but you can handle it.
Sitting in a crowded space and feeling and hyper focusing in on the slander rumoured lies that other think they understand but couldn’t be farther from truth; making you the : Victim of the sound.