Celebratory act of people bumpin' bites of food together as if clinking drinking glasses. The food items are held by hand or by fork.
Everyone was food tapping chicken wings, pizza slices and tacos during happy hour.
Party on! *food tap*
Drinking to excess, a reference to the constant pouring of beer from taps at the bar.
Can't come to work today, got a massive headache from running the taps last night
When someone hits you with their car so you get out and they try to car jack you.
Gotta watch your back in brown town they will nigger tap you and steal your car!
A plan that is over the top, stupid, and won't do anything while most likely having a much simpler solution.
Your going to electrify a rod and conduct electricity into the ocean? We got another TAP Plan.
Someone who sucks at Call of Duty and have to constantly mash (x) on an xbox controller to re spawn.
Bob: That tap x is so bad he's going 0 and 14
Mike: What a dier
When a guy taps you on the shoulder. As you turn your head, he lunges in for the kiss.
We were having a perfectly good date, until he pulled the old 'tap and lunge'.
verb: life tap; 3rd person present: life taps; past tense: life tapped; past participle: life tapped; gerund or present participle: life tapping
extremely light, gentle strike to the testicles by back of the fingers of a cupped hand; done properly, effects will manifest after 30 seconds: excruciating pain at least 10 times worse than a solid hit/kick to the same testicles.
My friend said he was gonna life tap me. He then cupped his hand and tried to hit me in the nuts! I backed off, and thought he just grazed me. He then started laughing: after 30 seconds my eyes filled with tears as it felt like pure fire shot through my testicles and an intense ache came on too!