Created by a.i.troopers (AleXa stans) after a car honked in her live.
Honking is now the first priority in life.
The cult tiktok acc is @oghonkcult and also check @marisatiny on twitter because she created the fancam
Michael cult: A tik tok cult that is stronger than any cult including vegeta cult
Michael cult: A tik tok cult that is better than all cults including ventega cult
Michael cult: hey that Michael cult guy is hot
A person that is the leader of fanclubs of works that gained a cult following
My friend is a cult leader of a cult classic movie club.
we worship cults here. our all-mighty god is called Mr. Oatboob. if u want to join our cult, u must send us a video of u showing us ur boobs while pouring oats on them.
I am apart of the smeggsy oat cult where i throw oats at people.