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A genuine friend who is great in relationships. When dealing with an Oscar you must give him lots of love and sex as he has the potential to make your dreams come true. Perfect with a Kirsty, Hannah, Samantha, Jessica and Emily. If you find an Oscar make sure to treasure him!

Wow that guy has got so much style and swag- is he an Oscar?

by JackBlack32 March 31, 2019


The best damn tropical fish anyone has ever put in a fish tank. Oscars are intelligent, strong, personable, fond of humans and have big hearts. Oscars will eat whatever you put in the tank, which is very entertaining. Oscars will tear a piranha to shreds. Oscars are amazing.

Guy: im feeling down...
Fish keeper: You need an Oscar in your life.

by cichlid enthusiast July 2, 2021


the misspelling of the name Oskar.

Oscar is so hot!

you mean oskar right?

oh sorry yea.


by civilisation7 April 19, 2024


A petty short ass bitch who thinks the world revolves around him. And everyone loves him for some reason

Jay is being an Oscar right now. Thinks he’s better than everyone else

by ThêReâl1 October 12, 2020



"Pass me an Oscar"

by Cock,,Cock March 29, 2022


A little boy that is always on his phone

Oscar the phone addict

by Skjdhd November 25, 2020


A little boy that is always on his phone

Oscar the phone addict

by Skjdhd November 25, 2020