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sesame street

In Poker, a straight consisting of Ace-two-three-four-five.

This obviously comes from the TV Show Sesame Street, which helps preschoolers learn to count.

You've got two pair, but I've got Sesame Street.

by Ron Palmer March 23, 2005

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Street Rules

Street rules mean that no rules apply.

Let's play some ball, street rules.

by Emmakyo September 17, 2015

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The Streets Is Done

A term for when the subject at hand is OVER! Often used when you can identify the "over" status preemptively thanks to recognizing some satisfying condition that will ensure victory.

"Bro I just got an attack chopper out of my care package"
"It's over for them now, the streets is done"

by Lotion Vendetta September 4, 2019

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Street Retard

A person of any age that epicly fails at navigating in public places, from inside QuickCheck stores to cities like NYC and Paris. In some cases, the "street retard" might head in a way different direction you point them to (as in symptoms of being directionally challenged or walk passed the Walmart they were looking for - while walking.

Michal: "Did you see Filip just walk past the frozen foods aisle?"
Dominik: "Hell yeah, he is such a street retard..."

by Danoobxp April 5, 2010

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Street Meat

A male or female prostitute/streetwalker, who sells themselves for financial gain. The female trick usually barters with her meat curtains, while the male utilizes his beef stick.

"man, I haven't had sex in awhile. Cricket is working the corner. I'm gonna get me some of that street meat..."

by 51 & fitt January 2, 2020

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Dickson Street

The area where people party when in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Believed to be the best place to be on a Thursday or Saturday night if you are in Arkansas.

"What are your plans for tonight?"

"I'm going to get fucked up on Dickson Street of course"

by U of Arkansas Alumnus December 14, 2009

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street turkey

Basically a whore, hoe, slut etc. For different levels of sluttiness: Street egg, street chicken, street turkey and, lastly, street goose.

Look at that street turkey!

by Cherry The Street Turkey February 18, 2016

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