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Example before definition

1) I'm gonna create a word
2) What is it gonna be?
1) Example before definition

When you switch the definition and example you get example before definition

by Saetern May 30, 2018

No definition for that query.

lenn: When you got nothing else to do but type !urban No definition for that query. that moooomoooo himself says when a definition could not be found.

!urban artunaerinaroaenuoaienutaeti
moooomoooo: No definition for that query.
!urban No definition for that query.
moooomoooo: Really?

by moooomoooo_ November 9, 2020

When your definition was created yesterday and still hasn't been reviewed so it isn't published

Happened to me, like has anyone else had this problem?

I created 3 definitions yesterday and none of them are on the website yet...

I am so disappointed.

When your definition was created yesterday and still hasn't been reviewed so it isn't published

by Poopz💩 October 1, 2022


Someone who always brings up dictionary definitions to aid them in arguments on the internet.

A subclass of the keyboard-warrior who has studied and mastered the art of using-google-no-jutsu.

Step 1: Analyse the definitions of every single word of your opponent's argument.

Step 2: As soon as you find a mistake like a misused word, copy-paste the definition as your argument, invalidating everything your opponent just said and making them look stupid.

Step 3 (optional): Decorate and personalize your copy-pasted definition to give it your own flair.

Example A: 'Insert definition'. Just keep your mouth shut if you don't even know what you're talking about.

Example B: Hey, I totally see where you're coming from, but 'insert correction your opponent'.
'Insert definition'.
Don't worry, we all make mistakes!

Step 4: You won. We're using the second definition of won, since you didn't actually win anything in the sense of gaining. You can't even feel smart because you literally just used Google. But hey, that is the curse of being a true Definition-duellist.

by LiterallyDyingRNUwU December 28, 2021


It is MATTHEW 0. MADD0X time as a CEO at the WYNN exactly.


Well notice when I found out there is something STEPHEN going on with the COFFEE HOUSES and I ran into some nasty people and sneaky SHITS the URBAN DICTIONARY DELISTED DEFINITIONS 1460 IS MAD MAX at work and THE WYNN I can prove this much as they are using questionable PREDATORY MARKETING TACTICS against STAR BUCKS other competitors and STEPHANIE JOANNE ANGELINA GERMONOTTA and LADY GAGA who played at the WYNN are running a RACKETEERING, RACETIERING, AND RACKETEARING very dangerous LITTLE MONSTERS GLBQT using for own ends GAMES the PINK TRIANGLE against me and others.

If none of the definitions come back then it is obvious TELEPATHY of their hidden agendas and " as TAYLOR SWIFT SAID" at the beginning of ,DELICATE " not for the best" the URBAN DICTIONARY DELISTED DEFINITIONS 1460 is never going to be put back as we are spinning the ED UV JA once again.

by .MANDATORY SHITEATER April 25, 2022


The definitive answer to something, something that has factual or the way the word is used is protected by the dictionary. This is used as a term of perspective.

"If we're being definitive, then Joe Biden is the 46th Government of the United States of America."

by TheAlmightyDefinition June 19, 2022

Urban dictionary won't show my cringe definitions

I want to see them god-damn you!!

"urban dictionary won't show my cringe definitions" "i could've becoming internet famous!!!"

by comrade susi wolf December 18, 2021