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Mónika Show

A Hungarian TV show, which was broadcasted from 2001-2010. The show was about fake scenarios, scenes about people fighting to each other.

The worst TV show was Mónika Show

by azanyamat November 23, 2021

black show

to get so drunk that the next morning you cannot begin to recollect the actions that you were involved in the night before.

Friend: Joshua was black show last night eh
Other black show friend: Joshua was here last night?

by xyz69 May 24, 2020

grind show

a traditional carni sideshow that repeats itself continuously, for a changing audience

The sword sallower was also the MC of the grind show .

by for kicks October 27, 2015

Show and go

When you show up to an event and start the event without any effort being taken to warm up.

NewGuy: Hey want to warm up for the game, ol' chap?
Dirtbag1: No can do, amigo. This team has a strict policy on show and go. No warm-up. Ever.
Dirtbag2: Money.

by dat_guyer May 11, 2017

Showing clam

When a cis woman accidentally shows off her private area, like when a gust of wind blows up her skirt.

“I was minding my own business on a windy day but then I noticed I was showing clam for all to see.”

by BossBalalaika June 29, 2021

russian show

The act of facing forward, legs spread apart on top of a sorting table. Russian nesting dolls are optional, but encouraged, and are often employed in a manner similar to the ping pong ball trick.

I like the Russian Show your panda is giving me.”

by I’m a Sad Panda December 7, 2020

veggie show

When an adult entertainer puts vegetables in her vagina, and gets unsuspecting victims to do it for her

"hey Jenny's doing a Veggie show again, get the boys in here to take a look"

by Slayer94 March 18, 2017