Source Code

throw down

To approach a girl and engage in conversation

In a night club situation 'What the hell are you waiting for man? Throw Down!' -make your life more interesting

by Craig Barber January 18, 2005

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throw the pig

v. to put your hoo-hoo dilly in woman's cha cha

WHOA! Would I throw the pig on that!

by one eyed milkman April 20, 2004

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throw the drapes

After climax, the giver rips the drapes (curtains) off the wall and throws them over the receiver to show he is finished. Perhaps seen as derogatory to the receiver.

Once I was finished I threw the drapes over her and left.

by steel_beak March 22, 2004

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Throwing Knifed

To take a real life object like a pen, comb, stick, spoon, or anything and throw it like a throwing knife in MW2. Before throwing or when releasing the object, a person will usually say "Throwing knife!" to let them know what they were trying to do.

My cat was laying on the floor, so I picked up my comb and said "Throwing knife!" and he got Throwing Knifed.

by LEETP June 30, 2010

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throw hooks

To fight

After school, Joe and I are gonna throw hooks because he dissed my bitch.

by Anonymous June 17, 2003

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throwing down

to do something good or to defend oneself well

man I saw the show the dancers were throwing down

when they got mad it turned into a real throw down

by greg pope December 18, 2004

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throw it back

a term used to highlight an awkward situation, often said in drinking situations to encourage others to take another drink of alcohol for the purpose of becoming intoxicated so as to care less about the awkwardness occuring

"That really sucks that your girlfriend hooked up with Joe last night."
"Welp, throw it back."

by Doll April 28, 2005

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