An icebreaker. A phrase questioning the presence of active individuals in any given situation and/or conversation. It can be used to verbally examine "who" is AT a specific place, state of mind, or if they ARE there. It is essential for one to understand that "who" is not a single person, but is more or less, referred to as a specific group of people that are often considered to be a whole. It can be used when someone knocks on your front door, or simply when there is an unexplained radio silence between you and your friends via text message or WhatsApp. The primary use in a group text message chat is to stimulate conversation. You can always count on "Who we got?" to bring you the answers in any state of social confusion.
*Knock Knock*
Philip: "Oh, who we got!"
Harrison: That is my friend Benjamin, I was expecting him.
**Group text message**
Steve: "That was a funny joke David!" (posted over two hours ago)
Steve: "Who we got?" (posted a minute ago)
Jake: We have a number of people!" (posted 2 minutes ago)
Alex: "I'm here!" (posted 2 minutes ago)
David: "Me too!" (posted 3 minutes ago)
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A phrase created by LA Rapper DrakeO The Ruler upon his release of being acquitted of Murder Charges.
@iPrinceRoyalty is the original foreign whip crasher We Know The Truth! WKTT
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SoMetHinG mY beSt FriEnD WOnβT ShuT Up abOuT!
I Frickin LOVE after we collided!
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A symbolic song of the civil rights movement, and sadly still relevant in 2015.
"We shall overcome, we shall overcome,
We shall overcome some day;
Oh, deep in my heart (I know that) I do believe
That we shall overcome some day.
We are not afraid...
We are not alone...
We'll walk hand in hand...
Black and white together...
We shall all be free, we shall all be free,
We shall all be free some day;
Deep in my heart (I know that) I do believe
That we shall all be free some day!"
Lyndon B. Johnson, introducing the Voting Rights Act of 1965: "But even if we pass this bill the battle will not be over. What happened in Selma is part of a far larger movement which reaches into every section and state of America. It is the effort of American Negroes to secure for themselves the full blessings of American life. Their cause must be our cause too. Because it's not just Negroes, but really it's all of us, who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice.
And we shall overcome."
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About your behaviour at last night's company bbq...well... we need to talk.
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only way to save face after having this statement directed toward you is to fall to the ground and fake a seizure, anurism, or massive myocardial infarction (heart attack).
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A phrase used to confuse Indian (dot) grad sudents learning English.
We will get the data back from the experiment and then we will have cookies.
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