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Swastika/ Barbie

the best friend anyone can ever ask for.. super fun, pretty, caring, and kind. super adventurous, loves deep talks and is a romantic! until ur good to her and she likes u, she'll do anything for u but when and if u betray her, she won't give a fuck about you. people who are friends with swastika are super lucky!!

woahh, who is that girl over there? she seems so fun!! oh, that's swastika/ Barbie.

by shaurika forever December 18, 2021


to raise your voice often and to yell at people to much.


1: no mam. im sorry... my mom gave birth last night so i was in the emergency room with here all night.

cornell-barbie: THAT'S NO EXCUSE!!!

by alydawlew May 23, 2010

barbie bullshit

Barbie Bullshit: A phrase to be used when you’re with slutty girls, or in a big group of hot girls.

“Look at Sherif; he’s always on that Barbie Bullshit.”

by 902Cold January 26, 2018

Barbie Backhand

A word in the 2010 app "My Pink Friday"
The act of using intense force while unexpectedly giving da back hand to a hater

These Cardi Stans are gonna receive the Barbie Backhand soon...

by lilchavvy January 24, 2021

Scheme barbie

A Dirty Blonde Council Estate Women , Who Would Sleep With Anyone Usually Has A Big Pair Of Council Lips To Go With The Look , Usually Filth

Look At The Scheme Barbie Probably Wants Her Cunt Licked

by Cunted March 1, 2023

Scheme barbie

A young blonde in her 20’s from a council scheme covered in fake tan, fake lashes, dreams catcher tattoo on the thigh, big lips, bleached blonde hair and extensions and looks identical to her 20 council scheme barbie mates. Poses for Instagram photos with lots of balloons and silver walls and furniture to add to the bling

Check the blonde over there with the big fat lips, ah she is just another council scheme barbie

by Favol February 27, 2023

big booty barbie

a bad bitch who loves pink and has a big (maybe plastic) ass

yoo look at that girl with a big ass wearing pink!
she is a big booty barbie.

by ianarlnstfu10 December 9, 2023