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Somali pirate

An Somali pirate are group of fishermen trying to protect their seas from the bad guys in Europe and America.

Somali pirate are just there to protect their sea, because Somalia are the most poorest country in the world, and the Europeans, Americans are trying to make the Somalis be the bad guys. Somali pirate are not violent people at all. The people who are involve the Somalis situation are trying to make the world see Somalis as the villain. Somalis are just there to protecting their water because the Europeans and americans are harming the Indian ocean.

by Somali pirates January 19, 2015

31๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


This describes a guy who is into sports, loves to drink, and can consume copious amounts of liquor. He's not a particularly good dancer, and usually does not have a steady girlfriend but looks for the one night stands and random hookups with promiscuous women. These men are usually unshaven, have ear piercings and some times sport bandanas. When they speak they feel its neceessary to start a sentence with a profanity and end a sentence with a profanity. There is another offshoot of the modern day Pirate which goes by the name of the Meathead Pirate which can be spotted pumping heavy iron in some secluded dungeon , devouring mountains of food until there at the point of vomiting, taking tons of dietary supplements and sometimes a couple of cycles of anabolic steroids here and there for good measure which attributes to additional hostility and agression. Pirates in general live for the moment and there only goal in life is to soothe the inner beast inside of them whether it be with tons of liqour, random crazy usually unprotected sex with random women, or the occasional bar room brawl. Society labels this small cult of people as Crude, brutal, inhuman, ruthless, savage, vicious ,offensive, raw, attrocious, degenerate, depraved, immoral, sinful and sometimes even evil. But research shows that these so-called brutes are genetically predisposed to this lifestyle they are actually more animal than human in some cases they have a testosterone level 3 times that of a normal man which leads to three times the agression, appetite, sex drive, and capacity for alchohol then the normal man.

That crazy disgusting guy is a pirate!

by eji2010 May 1, 2007

2๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

pirate reversal

When a man and a woman are having sex doggy stile and the man pulls out, spits on the woman's back to simulate ejaculation then spins the woman around, cums in her eye and kicks her knee. Now the woman has her hand over her eye and is hopping on one leg like a pirate.

Now the woman has her hand over her eye and is hopping on one leg like a pirate.

by Dan Washburn February 6, 2004

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Pirate face

The art of cumming in the face of a female, and getting her in the eye. She then closes it and yells "arrgh". If you get her especially well, she may need an eye-patch.

Bill Clinton: "I did not have pirate face relations with that woman." -Reuters

by Gregness October 26, 2007

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urban pirate

A hobo living downtown, with one eye, and an eyepatch, hence the term pirate. Usually has a 1980's bright pink windbreaker, safeway shopping cart filled with blankets, empties, etc.

allison: "what! THERE"
mike: "Arrgg me heartie!"
allison: "Check for an eyepatch!"
matt: "there!"
*all*: "URBAN PIRATE!"

by miklus May 26, 2006

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Rug Pirate

When you're having intercourse with a girl, you ejaculate in her eye. She then proceeds to hold one eye yelling, "arr!", whilst she hits the floor.

We were watching pirates of the carribean, when I gave her a Rug Pirate

by Josh May 23, 2004

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Sexy Pirate

The act a girl does when she takes multiple pictures of herself for fun consisting of throwing up the peace sign and pouting her kissy lips. Most likely seen on MySpace or among Middle Schoolers.

Girl one: "Hey guys lets take a picture!!!!!!!!!"

Girl two: "DO THE SEXY PIRATE!!!!!!"

A group of girls then proceeds to hold a camera above them and pout and do the peace sign.

by k4real December 2, 2010

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