You know Finlay Miller Dawson he is just amazing and so fit
US Citizen who is a Jewish Nazi.
"Someone needs to tell that Nazi Stephen Miller that he's Jewish and being a Nazi is an oxymoron!"
When one mentions something could mean 1 of 2 things and then proceeds to list more than two things.
Guy1: My kid keeps biting his hands. I’m not sure why.
Guy2: That could be 1 of 2 things. 1. He is teething. 2. He has a sore on his hand. 3. He has jelly on his fingers and really likes jelly.
Guy1: Dude, stop Millering me.
Tyler Miller is a really cool kid! one of the funniest guy's you will ever meet, he loves to joke around and play sports such as football and soccer, he hates teachers and even will go to the extent to get suspended over them.
woah! Tyler Miller just got suspended from dissing the music teacher!
Tyler Miller plays basketball, baseball, football, and more. He is a 7th grade in a Wisconsin school.
person 1- omg have you seen Tyler Miller?
person 2- OMG OFC he's the hottest one in out grade!
Person 1- ikr ;)
A wonderful person. Someone you should keep in your life no matter what. Someone who is loyal and dedicated to making sure you are happy, healthy and safe. Jayden Miller is the best boyfriend a girl can have. Whatever you do don't leave him ever. If you happen to have a Jayden and his last name hapens to be Miller, take care of him. He's a sweet guy that only wants the best for you. Hold onto him. Also what are you doing reading this go call your boo!!!!
Me: My bf is the best
Them: Whats his name?
Me: Jayden Miller
Them: Makes sense