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dead man's pick

A term used in beer pong or beirut that prohibits picking the rebuttal of an opponent after the last cup has been made.

Adam had just made the last cup and Mike is has the chance to rebuttal
Mike's shot rimmed around the cup, but could not be defended because of the rule "dead man's pick"

by popMoneyBills April 12, 2007

6👍 3👎

picking up the remote

hand job

this girl picked up the remote last night

by doorknocking penis September 25, 2003

6👍 4👎

apple picking

A girl sucking on ballsacks mid-bukkake.

my nut is sore since she went apple picking

by BIC38 September 20, 2014

2👍 15👎

old man's pick

Beacuse women often live longer then men if a man can live long enough there will be a lot more women in his age group that men. So then he can have his pick of old women. If you like that kind of thing.
This is called old man's pick.

Granpa has old man's pick now.

by Deep Blue 2012 August 11, 2009

19👍 16👎

pick me enby

A “pick me enby” is a non-binary person seeking approval of those with binary gender identities by trying to overtly distinguish themselves from other non-binary people.

They might claim their identity is more valid based on having more potential to sustain inside of a heteronormative society, listing a more “complex”, “stable” (in contrast to fluid) experience or their “perfect androgynous appearance” as a reason to be more deserving of respect. They might throw other non-binary people under the bus by calling them “cringe” or “fake”, in an attempt to shift the image of the “transtrender” further down the line to those that might be (even) more misunderstood in society.

The term “pick me enby” is derived from the more popular “pick me girl”: a girl/woman defined as trying to appeal to boys/men by bringing other girls/women down. Often times people describe the motivation of a “pick me girl” as internalized misogyny, therefore a “pick me enby” could be seen as motivated by internalized transphobia.

"Jessie is a pick me enby, they started throwing others under the bus in hopes that cis people would respect them more."

by limesx39 March 15, 2022

10👍 4👎

Flower picking

The act of picking crusted shit out of ones asshole then smelling it.

Me and my buddy flower picking last night

by Billyjoe696969 October 15, 2021

1👍 7👎

Cherry Picking

The act of frantically grabbing at the coal (cherry) of the blunt to save it from the crevasse of a cup holder or other debris.

“Why are you screaming cuz” “because I went cherry picking

by Logges123 May 8, 2019

1👍 5👎