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Arse Traffic

Something that homosexual men enjoy on a day to day basis.

'hey brother'
'U up for sum arse traffic this week'
'i never thought you'd ask!'

by Josh White July 5, 2006

acid arse

An incredable painful feeling in the anus as if acid has been poured in with a funnel, usually after over indulging in spicy foods in the previous 8 hours.

Person A : Ahh man, I have awful acid arse this morning

Person B : What did you eat last night?

Person A : A large vindaloo, spicy onions and pakora with hot sauce followed by a large spicy meatball pizza with Jalapenos.

Person B : No wonder, fuckwit.

by Chrissy Bhoy December 25, 2008

Arse Ghost

A fart. (Usually a very unholy one.)

After a Big Mac, he exorcised an Arse Ghost.

by The Centaur September 1, 2010

fuzz arse

A word used to name a female who has an extreme pubic growth in the vaginal and orific area. This type of person can be easily identified by the obvious bulge in that area of her underwear (if visible) and on occasion the extruding hair around the edges of the underwear.

"I cant believe you pumped fuzz arse!"

by Kyle MCC August 21, 2006

Arse Crumble

A term invented by YouTuber 21Kiloton to describe a video game of exceedingly low quality.

Dave: Have you played Ghost Recon: Breakpoint yet?

Gary: No man. That game is total arse crumble.

by Fu[n]k My Life October 26, 2019

gargle arse

Gargle arse- is the descriptive word when someone's fart resembles and embodies a gargling drain..

Did you hear richs' fart. He's a right gargle arse

by Gargle arse November 14, 2017

Arse slurp

When you take a massive shit and it hits the water like a rock and the water splashes up

Holy shit! Just took a massive dump! Major arse slurp mate😷💦

by QueenSs January 19, 2016