The term for someone who is too edgy for school
You may be edgy, but not as edgy as Edgy Austin.
Former drummer for the Christian band, Mercy Me (known for the song “I Can Only Imagine”). He appears at the end of their film, drumming at the concert. Former worship leader who created and designed the Christmas Eve Show tradition at the church (which can be found on YouTube). A very well known drummer, singer, songwriter, guitarist, pianist, and producer in the Christian musician community who has travelled the world and worked with over a dozen well known Christian artists, been on several Christian tv programs, and helped shaped worship leading at churches to modernize it and make it up more creative, personal, and progressive. Looks like Ben Stiller.
Trent Austin has worked at every major church in Oklahoma.
1. a sexy girl that can and will steal your man
2. will never get a tan because she’s whiter than paper
sarah you might want to be careful i heard a miranda austin was moving to town.
A true badass, that probably likes to fish and is a true lady killer, someone who generally does not give a fuck!
Damn, who is that stud fisherman over there? He must be austin pierce.
One of the Two half-prophets of Chungus. Chungus used him and the other half prophet to reveal the 10 Chungus commandments. According to the Chungusanian Bible, the year 2020 A.D will be the year of the his crucifixion.
Guy 1:"Bro I heard Austin Bangs just had another Vision"
Guy 2:"I wonder if it was another chungus commandment?"
The god of family rivalries and ponytails.
Austin Waggoner WOW he’s weird.