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coal bucket

A female / male whose neither regions, in particular their vaginal/anal orifices, bear resemblance to a fireside coal bucket; in that they are big, wide and dirty.

John: I got with Amy last night
Bill: Amy from down the road?
John: yeah?! Do you know her?
Bill: yeah, I got with her last week, she's a minge like a coal bucket, big, wide and dirty

Milo: I was banging this guy in my car last night
Bubba: how was it?
Milo: my dick looked like miner from Chile, his ass was like a coal bucket!

by oirishguy March 29, 2017

chicken bucket

(in sports) a term to make a player from the opposing (aka opps) team miss their shot, basket, etc โšฝ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ˜จ

"Chicken bucket!! " she yelled at the opps

by pro roblox player 42 March 10, 2023

Bucket hoot

Used with a pale and a 2 L bottle. Made to take an extremly
large puff of Marijuana.

Lets go do a bucket hoot after school.

by Cron Smoke October 11, 2007

Thirst Bucket

one who is thirsty beyond a thirst. He/she wants some pt (playing time) or some poon

1. Person A is such a thirst bucket man!!!!! He needs some pt or hes gonna get dehydrated!!!!!1

by thirst mcgirst October 23, 2007

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bucket fuck

like bucket list, except it's of people or types of people you'd like to fuck. They can range from people in an occupation: (firefighters, strippers, people in the military, cops, porn stars, professional athletes), to people with particular attributes (redheads, blondes, asians, people with exotic/unique tattoos, black) ,or even by their possessions : (porsche, apartment with an ocean/city view, condo in Aspen). It doesn't matter if you have a relationship with this person, all that matters is that YOU FUCKED THEM.

Michael Caine is on my mom's bucket fuck list. Personally, I just want a redhead.

by ogimmickless June 19, 2010

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bucket of slut

a female who is really slutty.

look at this bucket of slut coming along

by lizzy January 24, 2005

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Bucket Box

The end result of a girls "cookie" after one to many "gangbang" and/or fisting scenes..

It was a whole team effort to fill her bucket box!

by miss kali kaos March 15, 2009

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