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Clam Shell

When a Women Farts and it doesn't just drop out the back it rolls up the front causing lip flappage.

I farted and had a clam shell

by berthabeefdrapes March 6, 2010

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clam digging

when a person is fingering two females at the same time, which is a lot like looking for clams.

I went was clam digging Mary and Sally at the party yesterday.

by chris52190 October 3, 2007

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meat clam

Tight pussy. Especially providing intense gripping pleasure to the male sexual organ.

Lebron: Did you get some cuddy last night?!

Dwayne: Hell yeah! That meat clam was the shit!

sex fuck cuddy clam pussy vagina penis dick sexual

by j&y July 13, 2011

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Clam Dig

The act of scouring through an overabundance of pubic hair not seen since 70s era Porn to find the sweet pussy lips hidden within.

I really hope Lisa has shaved her snatch since the last time I fucked her. I had to go on a Clam Dig just to find it last time.

by YouPornJude November 14, 2011

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Clam Taco

A term to describe a tight pussy that may smell like fish.
Or a sloppy hard-shelled vagine

Wow, that's at a nasty clam taco she's got!

by Rock Hardson November 13, 2010

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Clam Dam

When a lady wears jeans on a hot sultry day and she gets sweaty in her knuckle (private/ vagina/ nether) region.

1) Damn girl its 1000 degrees out and your in jeans... you probably have a major clam dam at the moment.
2) Maybe I should wear a skirt to avoid a nasty clam dam.
3) You cant act on Beaver Fever when you have clam dam.

by evolve911 June 25, 2014

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clam head

A person who will talk shit non-stop, no matter who or what is around. Like a clam, it'll open&close it's mouth non-stop.

1. " Damn yoo, Trisha's a fuckin' clam head. "

2. " Daaang, you know Ashely fucked Joe again. She's sucha fuckin' slut. Yo, She a fuckin' STD whore.. "
" Kstfu Ray. Just cus you can't get non don't mean you gotta start clam headin. "

by YouStupidMothaSuckas April 11, 2009

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