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cyber slap

When you are talking to someone on the phone or text and they come back at you with an attitude but there isn't anything you can do to them except threaten to cyber slap them.

Yo, can you grab me a drink while you're at the store?
What the fuck man? Why can't you get a drink yourself??

Dude, it's only like a dollar... You bout to make me fuck around and cyber slap your bitch ass

by Ishuang January 13, 2016

cyber felon

this is reference to a very harmful person. usually on discord. known for

doxxing, swatting, DDosing, logging, identity fraud

all of these listed are cyber bullying and considered felonies

10zr : yo u heard that astral is a cyber felon?
vimerance : nah mane I js knew he nuked a server

by vimerance May 21, 2024

Cyber Send Off

When someone looks better in their pictures (ex. Instagram, Twitter Avi, Profile Pictures) than they do in REAL LIFE.

Roy: How did that date go with that girl you met on Instagram?

Aaron: Bro, she was a cyber send off! She looked NOTHING like her pictures!

by Erik17 March 10, 2014

Cyber tag

When two people endlessly post of or about each other on social media because they are too afraid to directly share what they truly feel or want to say.

Jason: ffs, Lisa and James have been playing cyber tag all summer break, they should just talk already.

by Eyeless_jack442 April 29, 2019

Cyber bling

Bluetooth ear pieces , iPhones and such. These are early instances of what will become ever more present bling that has a function related to the Internet and adds status (or so it's thought) to those who wear it.

Bluetooth ear bud is such cyber bling

by Youngelpaso August 28, 2009


Cyber-Cock-Blocking or ‘Organized’ / ‘Gang/Group/Community -Cock-Blocking’ is a set of thoughts, observations or systematic patterns that surface to the attention of ‘cock-blocked’ targets and/or victims who experience gangs, groups with military-like efforts & tactics that are designed to make an individual have no contact with the opposing sex. Meaning no conversations or anything between a guy-girl (most cases) or girl-guy scenario.. Nothing. The victim, their identity, appearance, location & bio is dispatched to collective teams that grow larger & larger nationally, connected & communicate via social media internet app services allowing them to covertly harass invade & illegally strip a persons rights to freedom away from them.. Using manipulative cowards in a group to gang stalk watch follow threaten take away any human interaction MAINLY the sexual dating flirty type relationships & friendships in a persons life. Relentless, sadistic & demonic force to forever stop a single male or female from having ZERO sex/sexual acquaintances for the rest of their lives..

Yo have you heard what Alex has been saying about his hacked email accounts/social media profiles ? He said he’s a victim of cyber-cock-blocking & is being targeted by groups & gangs of people throughout the “dark web” in order to have a group cock-block him from chicks he wants to talk/chill with.

by llamalldon August 6, 2023

Cyber (sexuality)

The odd one out's sexuality who is in a 2 sex 1 sex thruple.

Cyber (sexuality): We tried to get Peter & Donald & Joe's trutella in a relationship to see if two cybers would go.

by GlennZadra December 11, 2022