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noun: A genre of music/lifestyle mostly conformed by white, middle-class teens and characterized by a fixation on Tim Burton's movies/characters, skin-tight black clothing, self-pity, really bad poetry, and lots of crying.

adj.: A whimpy, melodramatic, and fashionably overconcerned teen who pretends he/she is the ONLY one with problems and love to complain about how bad his/her suburban life is, thinking that PITY, not character and personality, is the way to attract the opposite sex.

EMO GUY #1: unenthusiasticlly ...like, today I tried on my little sister's jeans and they look sooooo much better on me. I am soooo gonna wear them to the next 30 Seconds To Mars concert...
EMO GUY #2: Oh my gosh, I know! Last week my stupid, comformist, fascist parentals caught me with my sister's jeans too and they grounded me for the whole weekend and I couldn't get my hair done like that guy from AFI! I mean, goshhh!! How much must I take?! I hate my life so much!! *cries*
EMO GUY #1: unenthusiasticlly Dude, I know, its like... nobody gets me either. I am so sad, and depressed. My whole existance is so dark... I feel like I am so sensitive that I can feel all the sorrow of the wold piercing through my soul. I want to kill myself... *fixes his bangs looking at his reflexion on a Starbucks window*
EMO GUY #2: *sobing* Yeah, lets make out and then kill ourselves.

by jay-x April 23, 2008

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Someone that thinks there life is shit and they sometimes cut thereselves. They sometimes have there nose/lip peirced and have a fringe covering one eye. Boy emos usually have jet black hair.

Emo: Life sucks...im going to cut myself </3

by sarahxox October 3, 2006

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homos that listen to music and want to cry and kiss other boys

emo martin chan kissing his dad

by nick gordon March 23, 2006

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Basically, all "emo looking" people, are just that. Most who consider themselves emo have probably never heard of Emotive Hardcore. I think these days, the meaning of emo has just become "emotional (looking, and acting) wreck" although, in most cases, these kids are quite happy or atleast content with their lives. In other cases, kids get so into the emo scene that they start to depress themselves. It is just a phase for most and they will grow out of it... well, the ones that don't slash themselves up too badly.

"Hand me a razor... I'm misunderstood and depressed" - Sir Moronic Emo

by SickAssMo-Fo February 6, 2008

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the only group of people that lie about the "hard life" of rich suburban family life. these "people" wish to die. they attempt to do this by cutting swallowing one more pill over the regular amount and tell lies to make them cooler

Normal kid: Hey dude whats up?
Emo kid: im not a dude, "dude" was made by the corporations, im a beaten soul
Normal Kid: wow, im going to mock you and wish you were gassed

by jballadelahood May 30, 2006

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An emo kid is a bit like a greebo/goth/punk etc, only an emo kid 'likes' this music because they think that it's cool. Saying they are sensitive and that they show their feelings is fair enough. however a vast majority of emo kids pretend to think dark thoughts and be depressed and sad. And this is what an emo kid is. typical emo music is maroon 5, embrace, athlete etc. Emo kids think they are goth. they aren't.

recently i went to see bleeding through (a metal band) in islington, and there was a clear divide between the emo kids and the goth/punk/metal kids. It was clear that the emo kids were unsure as to the meaning of the lyrics of bleeding through, and they just looked plain out of place, they didn't really get into the music, as most emo's prefer to listen to more 'mellow' rock.

by HoOli3g4n January 27, 2006

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Punk wannabes who like penis in and around their mouths. Also melodramatic rich queers who make a scene about superficial problems in their life. They are seen having dumb "flippy" hair, wear chick pants, and shop at Hot Topic. (Which is not punk by the way.)Or just straight up posers.

Fallout Boy, Hawthorne Heights, Panic! At the Disco, Amber Pacific, Atreyu, Thrice, Story of the Year, Senses Fail, Taking Back Sunday, and My Chemicial Romance are examples of EMO bands, not punk rock. Anyone who says they are punk, are pretty much a faggot.

by Sam Corey June 17, 2008

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