Source Code

Getting Busy

A Term for Sexual Intercourse or Masturbation

Hey Man, How you doing?
Sorry can't talk, I'm getting busy.
Oh damn!

by Manette Playzer September 26, 2010

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Getting Brave

Someone who acts like they normally wouldn't when they are talking to the person face to face, acting cocky or just being a general douche, usually over texts, facebook or Xbox live.

Dude, you were getting brave on Xbox last night.

by Skrillexsheen'd June 15, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

get over on

A general term used to indicate someone attempting to take advantage of someone else or play them in a scam, be it something simple, like beating one to a parking space, or complex, like criminal fraud.

Past tense: got over on

Not to be confused with "get over" oneself spoken to a pretentious person.

Your boss is trying to get over on you. He just took that report you spent three months writing, erased your name and put his on it. Looks like he'll get a big bonus for it.

My former tenants really got over on me. They stopped paying rent, so I had to take them to court and evict them. It took months and cost me tens of thousands of dollars in lost rent, hiring a lawyer, and repairing the damage they caused. Meantime they lived in a three bedroom house for only two months' rent.

by Hot East December 29, 2012

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Get in line

Usually said to agree with an obvious statement

Guy1: Man, I wish I could date Avril Lavigne.
Guy2: Get in line pal.

by Punk4Real June 3, 2010

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get a room

Expression used to make fun of couples who are overly (and inapropriately) affectionate in public, and hopefully get them to stop.
Sometimes used to poke fun at friends who aren't together but always argue and tease each other in front of their other friends, by implying they act just like a couple.

"Look at Jim and Mary makeing out in public again. Get a room already!"
After listening to David and Sandy banter back and forth for 30 minutes. "Oh get a room you two!"

by dqhx July 1, 2010

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Get Brain

get head

She gave me brain in the bathroom.

by FuZzY pEaCh February 13, 2004

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Getting goofy

The act of getting drunk or high to the point you are goofy

Are we getting goofy tonight ,with the boys

by Peter couvaris November 8, 2017