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Hate Game

A strategy used by a male to hook up with a female where he verbally abuses the woman in order to get the girl turned on and then subsequently bang him. The strategy is not playful flirting, it is attacking the girl's weight, looks, and/or intellect. Girls in their teens and 20's usually fall for this game because they cant resist assholes.

Joe: Bro, did you hear what Richard said to that chick? He called her an "ugly snaggletooth with chicken legs"!

Brad: Yeah, but his Hate Game works, though. I heard him banging that girl about five minutes ago.

by Ricks9 June 24, 2013

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hate mongre

a primitive jerk! such as Atilla The Hun, or Genghis Khan!

don't be such a hate mongre... asshole!

by Jake Catseye January 25, 2009

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romantic hate

Romantic hate is defined when you hate someone, but you have a connection with them. You are the person's enemy, but you are always with them and you can't look away from them.

Those two hate each other , but they can't look away from each other. They must romantically hate each other.

Sam: I hate him, but I can't get away from him
Bob: You must romantically hate him.
Bob: Yep. Romantic hate is when you hate someone, but you can't get away from them.

by fadjkals;fdsjkal; May 21, 2016

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Hate Crime

The thing that gets you back for rude comments

Dong woo a fag!!! hahaha see theres one

by Hate Crime January 20, 2005

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romantic hate

Romantic hate is defined when you hate someone, but you have a connection with them. You are the person's enemy, but you are always with them and you can't look away from them.

Those two hate each other , but they can't look away from each other. They must romantically hate each other.

Sam: I hate him, but I can't get away from him
Bob: You must romantically hate him.
Bob: Yep. Romantic hate is when you hate someone, but you can't get away from them.

by fadjkals;fdsjkal; May 21, 2016

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hate semen

Semen used instead of love but hate, to be hate semen'd is bad.

I totally got hate semen in her eyes

by epyon April 29, 2004

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Locally Hated

An australian anti bikey gang based in Queensland, New-south whales and victoria with links in other states.

Mainly a prison gang with more then 70% of members incarcerated for charges like murder, and other serious offenses

Theres too many Locally Hated at maryborough keep your head low there.

by Red and Blue mc March 29, 2021

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