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hitler salute

the dagum nazi salute

evrybody do the hitler salute

by aqwertyuioplkjhgfdszxcvbnm October 22, 2017

5👍 2👎

hitler's daughter

1) someone who is saying that they will kill everyone just because they are pissed off to all hell .

2) My friend got pissed at lunch and we all started calling them hitler's daughter.

1)hey dude stop being a hitler's daughter!

2) Yea I know but I will kill all of you. so shut up!

by 22bhs December 17, 2013

Indian Hitler


T-Series is as bad as Hitler
and he's Indian
that's why T-Series is the Indian Hitler

by YeeterMeter July 10, 2020


Purchasing an online forum with the belief of changing the forum for the better, only to ban everyone who does not agree with the new leadership and rules. Then running the board into the ground until no one posts anymore.

Those guys really pulled a Posi-Hitler on the weightlifting forums. They thought that changing the rules would make it a better place, but all they did was ban the people that made it entertaining. I see maybe 10-15 new posts a day when it used to be 100 or more.

by The Turbo 2 Liter January 20, 2012

pimp hitler

Hitler as a playa playa pimp

Me: Bro that's pimp hitler
Bro: No way bro!!!
Me: How many hoes you have PimpHitler
Pimp Hilter: Too many I have 383383748 jews in my basement

Me: Whoa your a OG pimp

by That funny nigga February 21, 2021

lady hitler

Any woman named Kelsey. Most likely is a fascist, but she will never tell you. She will play with you, mentally, and make you think she’s the epitome of a liberal.

I used to date this Lady Hitler. She lied to me about her political views constantly. I didn’t notice the truth until it was too late.

by SecretZen March 24, 2018

Sweaty Hitler

Sticking your forefinger up your ass after working all day and wiping it under someone's nose on their upper lip.

Dallas I warned you if you didn't have a new car on Monday after all the headaches you would receive a sweaty


"Dallas" I now have a skidmark on my upper lip after getting a sweaty Hitler from my foreman.

by Foreman punishment September 3, 2017