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Simply, death, that is if you don't want to make it deep.

random weeb: "What is the meaning of life?"
me: "In short, being born to die. The long answer? Well. Being born into this world is quite a miracle of nature, where our race who have had the chance to build a civilisation, and while the human race will be quite insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe, our own lives, are but a microscopic fraction of the time it would take for the earth to end. In all fairness, it's up to you what to make of your life, I can't answer that question for you. Find an answer for it yours- and he's gone."
*some miles away*
"Oh my god, i don't a lecture!!! I'll just stick with the first one. ffs"

by Punjabi Peanut May 23, 2023

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Something you don’t have

You don’t have one a life

by TheLegendaryDoDo April 4, 2018

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Verb To do one thing constantly while ignoring everything else

Harry: Did you hear about the new game?
Sally: Of course, I can't wait for it to release. I'm gonna no-life it until I finish it's entire story.

by iDefineMemeWords May 9, 2019

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life life life life life

life is bad sometimes

by abeer April 18, 2005

15πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


a long agnized illness only curable by deth

ahhhhhhh hhhhh hhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ggg ggg

by iluvlesbians January 21, 2005

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Feeling you get when everything in your life goes bad .Your wife leaves you or girlfriend leaves you and everything reminds you of her and you get all depressed and rage and can't stop thinking of her.

Nathan: Dude I'm lifeing so bad right now.
Dan: Why dude?
Nathan: I got served papers this morning at 7 am.
Nathan: Shes really going tru with the divorce?

by foreverlifeing October 8, 2015

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A form of hanging out.

My life just went down the drain when my girlfriend dumped me.

by Anonymos June 29, 2004

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