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International Send Nudes Day

September 25th is the actual date of the "International Send Nudes Day", where you send nude pictures of yourself to friends and people who deserve a fillip or an encouragement.

A: "Do you know the exact date of International Send Nudes Day?"
B: "Of course. It's September 25th, as every year"

by CalenderGirl April 22, 2022

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International Rick May Day

April 8th, the day all nations on eart fall silent, or be shot with a rocket launcher, in honor of Rick May, the vouce actor of The Soldier in TF2. There are also buckets given to random people on the holiday.

Person 1: silence
Person 2: whats going on?
Person 1: *shoots person 2 with rocket launcher*
Person 1: Never Disrespect International Rick May Day.

by Voxelite April 9, 2021

International spam the mod day

December the 10th is the day to incite anger and built up frustration into mods. This involves spamming, mass pinging, name calling and so on

“Man I can’t wait for international spam the mod day”. “They’ve been a major pain in the ass this past week”.

by Israeli dancer December 8, 2020

International Communist Fast month

June is the day when all Communists go on hunger strike and you can only eat on Saturday nights! You cannot eat or drink to try and simulate what starving Africans are feeling so we can feel their pain. You’ll only be allowed to drink water at half past midnight! Good luck comrades. Ⓐ ☭ 🚩🏴 June 1st-June 30th

International Communist Fast month

by Anarcho.Monkey May 18, 2021

International K-pop Day

The International K-pop Day is on the 31th December and if you know a K-pop stan, you must do something fun and K-pop related with them, even if you aren't a K-pop fan. At exactly 23:59:13 you have to listen to 'Epiphany' so the first thing you hear on 1st January is "I'm the one I should love in this world."

K-pop stan: Hey! Let's go listen to K-pop since it's the International K-pop Day!!!
You: Alright but only because it is...

by Yoongis Iced Americano December 16, 2020

international dick slap day

April 13th and international day to slap guys in the dick

Girl: guess what day it is?
Guy:April 13th?
Girl:International dick slap day (slay guy in dick)
Guy: fucking cunt

by Yolilboat April 12, 2017

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International Virgins' Day

8 September is celebrated as International Virgin's Day in tribute to all the losers (virgins) of the earth.

Today is international virgins' day

by H TV h gh in hu un n aww September 8, 2022

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