someone who only gets as far as getting a handjob while inticipating more.
Dude I can't laid, I'm too much of a handjob magnet.
It means Someone who is gay OR is likely to attract a lot of dick
"Your a Wang Magnet" Or "I bet your a Wang Magnet" Or "just Wang Magnet"
A School program filled with nothing but little bitches
“look at Ranch High Schools Magnet Program it’s just filled with little bitches.”
A person that attracts only people of short stature often referred to as midgets or a hobbits.
Meg was at the club last nite when approached by a group of midgets, following copius amounts of shots proceeded home to engage in midget gangbanging. Some might say she is a midget magnet or maybe a hobbit hunter
To attract.
usually magnetate bitties and or sexy females.
Can also be used as "gravitate"
I magnetate all the bitties.
All the bitties magnetate to me
gravitate attract
Eugenes wonderful words of wisdom.
I’ve always been a magnet to the ladys
An occurrence where in you can't get off your bed and get on your feet after a long sleep. Your brain tells you have to wake up but your body is not responding.
I missed the bus, I was stuck on my magnet bed the entire morning.