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Master Baiting

The act in a First Person Shooter (FPS) video game where a player lures others into a kill zone with the bait of a desirable item. Also by luring players into a kill zone rigged by mines by intentionally giving their position away to the enemy. Claymores and C-4 traps are sometimes referred to as cream pies (claymore) and cupcakes (C-4).

I was playing Black ops when I started Master Baiting. I dropped my care package in the courtyard while I took cover to kill those that tried to take it. I rigged the doorway with claymores then started shooting out the window so others would try to rush and taste my cream pie. I started unloading out the window when they came to see me master bait and took a cream pie in the face. Delicious.

by RoG SPECTER December 21, 2010

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Sass Master

Someone who masters all the sass.

person 1: Are you hanging out with Julie? or Amelia tonight? have fun either way. *wink*
person 2: Are you fucking Brandon tonight? or no? have fun either way. *wink*
person 1: You're such a sass master.

by hawkerfield September 23, 2012

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Dork Master

One who has honed their specific area of dorkishness to a high art. All dorks within their own sphere of dorkishness (short wave radio, star wars collectibles, etc.) bow to their supreme dork powers.

Man, I thought I was a comic book geek, but that guy has like 5000 comics in his basement - he is the total Dork Master of comicbookdom.

by Jack1234 January 17, 2006

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Formed during the big boom of handheld emulation. G-Masters now has over 50,000 members and they have the sexiest moderator in the internet world (ME!!!!).

gbxemu? what is that? sounds gay! i'd much rather go to g-masters.

at least g-masters hosts thier own roms.

by Devon the Pr0nstarr December 27, 2005

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Is when you are Masturbating, and waiting for your crap to come out of your ass.

Dude! I was just Master-Waiting in the Bathroom and I wasted all the toilet paper on my cum and had none left to whipe my ass!

by Hello . April 13, 2011

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Owl Master

A person who likes being or is currently under the influence of ecstasy. The term comes from how big the person's pupils are on the drug.

Person 1: Dude, were you alright at the party last night?

Person 2: Yeah bro, you already know that I'm an owl master.

by jlepsta May 25, 2010

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Bone Master

A person - usually female - who who a MASTER in the art of BONING, a.k.a. INTERCOURSE. The "bones" in question are generally one night stands. She is non-descriminating, and is likely willing to bone anyone with two legs & a dick.

"That Erin, she's a real Bone Master - did you see that guy she left with last night? Erin strikes again!"

by G. Whiz June 26, 2009

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